Register to attend

Registration is now open to attend the LEEA Golf and Spa Day 2024. 

We have flexible booking options available:

Individual Golf and Dinner package £120 + VAT


- Welcome event the night before on 10th July, with drinks. BBQ and activities on the driving range
- Day on the golf course with competitions
- Goody bag
- Breakfast 
- Lunch
- Pre dinner drinks 
- 3 course dinner and entertainment

Four Ball Team Entry - Golf and Dinner package £480 + VAT

Includes for 4 people:

- Welcome event the night before on 10th July, with drinks. BBQ and activities on the driving range
- Day on the golf course with competitions
- Goody bag
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Pre dinner drinks 
- 3 course dinner and entertainment

Spa and Dinner package £120 + VAT


- Welcome event the night before on 10th July, with drinks. BBQ and activities on the driving range
- 50 minute spa treatment, access to leisure facilities with towel & robe 
- Breakfast
- Pre dinner drinks 
- 3 course dinner and entertainment

Dinner only £60 + VAT


- Pre dinner drinks 
- 3 course dinner and entertainment